Cristiano Ronaldo acknowledges he is a good example on and off the pitch

Cristiano Ronaldo says he knows he is a good example on and off the football pitch and demands he stays centered notwithstanding an assault claim against him. 

Ronaldo is blamed by Kathryn Mayorga for assaulting her in a Las Vegas in 2009. The Juventus forward has beforehand "passionately" denied the assault charge, saying he had "consensual" relations with his informer. 

Representing the first run through since discharging his announcement, Ronaldo plot how the circumstance is being dealt with by his legitimate group and how reality "dependably starts things out". 

"I realize that I am [an] precedent. I know, 100 percent. In the pitch and outside the pitch," Ronaldo said in the pre-coordinate question and answer session in front of Juventus' Champions League tie with his previous club Manchester United at Old Trafford. 

"So I'm continually grinning, I'm a cheerful man, I'm honored that I play in an awesome club, I have a fabulous family, I have four children, I am sound, I have everything so the lay doesn't meddle on me so I'm extremely happy. 

"We did the announcement two weeks back in case I'm not wrong, so I'm happy. Obviously, I'm not going to lie in this circumstance. 

"I'm exceptionally cheerful, my legal counselors they are sure and obviously I am as well so the most imperative [thing is] I appreciate the football, I make the most of my life, the rest I have individuals who deal with my life and obviously the fact of the matter is continually coming in the main position, so I'm great."

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