Bernardo Silva says four groups will contend with Manchester City for Premier League title ... Man City midfielder trusts Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, and Tottenham will test

Bernardo Silva trusts four clubs are fit for testing Manchester City for Premier League grandness, however, missed the mark concerning making reference to city-rivals Manchester United as potential contenders.

City came back to the best after a 1-0 win at Tottenham on Monday Night Football, with the guarding champions flaunting a more prominent objective contrast than second-put Liverpool.

Like City and Liverpool, Chelsea has begun the battle unbeaten after 10 recreations and as of now sit only two points off the best two.

Silva additionally trusts Arsenal - who are four behind City - are in the blend, and perspectives Spur as contenders in spite of beating Mauricio Pochettino's fifth-set side at Wembley.

And keep in mind that there was no notice of adversaries United, at present in eighth and nine points behind City, Silva is expecting an intense fight in their offer to rehash last season's 100-point heroics.

"I figure it will be harder on the grounds that last season no one was anticipating that us should win the same number of amusements and to achieve that level of focuses, so this season the groups know they need to improve the situation to beat us," he said. "Obviously it will be hard, yet we will work each amusement to get the three and toward its finish attempt and commend winning one more Premier League.

"I think either Chelsea and Liverpool (are contenders), they are extremely solid, Arsenal too. Indeed, even Tottenham, despite the fact that they lost, they're still contenders."

The cities offered to hold the title is supported by the reality they have just visited Liverpool, Arsenal, and Tottenham, leaving ceaselessly with seven points altogether.

Silva trusts that could demonstrate an essential factor in the title run-in, however, focused on that the sky is the limit with most of the season still to play.

"I believe that it's vital to win these recreations, to have a draw away at Anfield, to win at the Emirates and no place at Wembley, it's critical," the Portuguese said.

"Yet at the same time, they need to come to play us at the Etihad, or, in other words, better for us.

"It's as yet the start of the season and anything can occur, we need to keep solid and with the aspiration of winning each amusement and never unwind."

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